
My name is Mackenzie and I welcome you warmly with an open heart. My yogic journey began four years ago on a soul quest of self-discovery. The practice of yoga transformed my life which has led me here today as a 200hr RYS teacher and Ayurvedic consultant student.I infuse each class with intention and mindfulness to fully support you as you are guided on the journey of cultivating mind, body, and soul connection.Join me on your mat and know that there is space for you to explore and deepen your practice wherever you are!
Rainbow’s  journey into yoga began in her 30s as a curiosity, stumbling into a local studio. As the years unfolded into my 40s, my dedication to yoga deepened. Driven by a passion for knowledge and a desire to inspire, I completed Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) in Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga. I also completed a Yin Yoga certification and Sound Healing training.  As a yoga instructor, my heart is open, and my arms are wide, welcoming all who seek refuge on the mat. My mission is to create a space of acceptance and belonging where individuals from all walks of life can come together. I bring a sense of structure and consistency to my teachings, guiding students through sequences that promote balance and release – not just of the body, but of the mind and spirit as well. As a lifelong learner, I believe that growth is a never-ending journey, and I am committed to evolving alongside all of you.

My name is Alysah and in 2021, I completed my 200-hour program at The Space with Kristen McQuaide. As someone who struggled with anxiety, my mat became a sanctuary for me and allowed me to connect with my body and mind in such a powerful way. I am so excited to share the light and joy that I have experienced throughout my yoga journey with all of you! 

Nicole owner of Westside Yoga Studio Fresno California

Nicole~Passionate Mover, Groover, and Life Enthusiast! My transformative journey into Yoga began in 1998, leaving me feeling rejuvenated and renewed after my first class. This pivotal day marked the beginning of a 24-year Yoga odyssey. Commencing with an Ashtanga practice, I crossed paths with my revered Teacher/Mentor, Shiva Rea 2002. In 2014, I completed my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) with the aim of spreading my profound love for Yoga throughout the Fresno Community. The deep connection experienced when we collectively breathe and flow is what fuels my dedication to sharing the transformative power of Yoga

Tracy, a dedicated yoga practitioner and a certified 200-hour yoga instructor passionate about sharing Yoga with others. My journey into yoga began as a personal quest for holistic well-being, and it has since evolved into a profound mission to guide and inspire others on their own paths to wellness. My teaching philosophy revolves around the belief that yoga is not just a physical practice but a profound journey of self-discovery and inner peace. I strive to create a nurturing and inclusive space in my classes where students can explore the mind-body connection, cultivate mindfulness, and deepen their yoga practice at their own pace. My mission as a yoga instructor is to empower individuals to cultivate balance, strength, flexibility, and inner harmony both on and off the mat. I am committed to fostering a supportive community where each student feels seen, valued, and inspired to embrace their authentic selves through the practice of yoga.

Lauren is a passionate advocate for the yoga and Ayurveda lifestyle. As a devoted 200hr RYT, Certified Life Coach, author, biodynamic land steward, and Herbalist, she is on a mission to sow seeds of joy, resilience, and connection within communities through nature-based education.

Lauren’s work is dedicated to  fostering equitable spaces for diverse communities within the yoga and Ayurveda realms. 

Through immersive community-based herbalism classes, mindful yoga practices, and soul-nourishing meditation sessions, Lauren empowers individuals on their holistic well-being journey. Join her in exploring the transformative power of yoga, Ayurveda, and plant wisdom to nurture your mind, body, and spirit.

Taylor brings a profound passion for guiding individuals on their unique wellness journeys. 

Taylor firmly believes in the power of autonomy within the practice of yoga, challenging the idea that it’s a one-size-fits-all discipline.  Instead, Taylor’s focus is on helping each student discover their own path to well-being, moment by moment. 

The core philosophy? Recognize and embrace the diverse needs and goals of every individual.  Taylor’s teaching approach goes beyond traditional methods, emphasizing a personalized and inclusive experience for every student. 

In Taylor’s classes, it’s not just about poses; it’s about understanding and honoring your body.  By fostering a supportive environment, Taylor empowers individuals to explore and cultivate their own practice, tailoring it to their specific needs and aspirations. 

Erin has been a fitness instructor since 1999. She has always loved movement and became passionate about functional fitness in 2001 after she injured her back. She received extensive training in Pilates for a year and had the privilege of studying under the 3rd generation of Joseph Pilates’ teaching in Boston, MA. The original form of Pilates was birthed out of a mix of yoga, dance training, and martial arts training. Erin’s practice over the years has evolved into working with each population according to their needs. She is passionate about building core strength, balance, hip and back health, and developing a deep sense of inner strength so that we can walk confidently and gracefully through our daily lives. She loves to laugh and have fun and believes that true fitness and strength should be a light-hearted, communal experience

Paige is a welcoming and compassionate E-RYT 200 Yoga Instructor who believes in the transformative power of yoga and meditation. With a warm and open-hearted approach, she encourages her students to “Come as you are” and find their own path to self-discovery and inner peace.Paige is not only a certified yoga instructor but also holds Reiki Level 1 & 2 certifications, adding a unique dimension to her holistic approach to wellness. She believes in the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit and incorporates this philosophy into her teaching and practice.Her yoga classes are designed to cater to practitioners of all levels, from beginners to more advanced students. Whether you are new to yoga or a seasoned yogi, Paige will guide you through a practice that suits your needs, helping you build strength, flexibility, and mindfulness.

Laura’s yoga journey began in the Ashrams with her father, a professor of Indian philosophy turned sustainable farmer, where I was immersed in the rich traditions of yoga. Today, as an experienced yoga instructor based in Fresno, CA, I am dedicated to sharing the transformative power of yoga with students at our studio. In my classes, I offer a unique blend of mudras, breathwork, centering techniques, and precise alignment cues to help students build a strong foundation. This foundation allows their energy to flow freely, fostering a deeper connection with themselves and others on and off the mat. With over 20 years of practice and study, I hold certifications as an RYT 200 hour teacher, certified pranayama teacher, and certified stretch coach. .

In addition to traditional yoga styles, I have also delved into specialized areas such as chair yoga, somatic, and myofascial release, bringing a holistic approach to my teachings. Join me on the mat as we delve deep into the transformative journey of yoga, cultivating strength, flexibility, and inner peace together.


My name is Mike, I am an avid martial artist and explorer of all things that are unique and
interesting in life. I began practicing yoga in 2016, at age 43, at a local gym out of curiosity and to try something different other than weight lifting. I had some injuries and thought yoga might offer relief from chronic pain. I knew it was a way to improve physical fitness and help with
emotional balance and well-being, but what I found was much more than that. Yoga helped me connect my body, breath, and mind in a way that is transformative. As my body got stronger, I also began to tune in with the subtleties of the body and mind, and how things are all interconnected. Having fallen in love with the practice of yoga, I decided to enroll and complete my 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) in 2022 with the aim of deepening my understanding,
practice, and spreading this wonderful jewel that is yoga. I hope to see you all on the mat so we can all explore and enjoy this wonderful journey together.


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